Sustainable IT

Understand your impact. Adapt the information system to environmental challenges. Leverage digital tools to have more time for action. Build responsible digital services.

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Empowering Sustainability in IT

In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, the drive toward corporate sustainability and environmental stewardship is more crucial than ever. However, achieving these goals while maintaining operational efficiency can be challenging

At Devoteam, we believe that technology is not just a tool but a catalyst for meaningful change. With our broad tech expertise, we support businesses of all sizes in embedding sustainable practices into their IT infrastructure, reducing carbon footprints and fostering responsible growth.

The digital paradox lies in its dual role—it can contribute to environmental issues, yet it also holds the key to resolving them. Technology is pivotal in steering the much-needed transition towards more responsible business models that balance economic, social, and environmental priorities. We accelerate digital transformation by leveraging proven, efficient technologies, empowering companies to meet their sustainability goals.

To support our clients on this journey, we have developed a comprehensive framework designed to guide sustainable digital transformation, ensuring that environmental responsibility is seamlessly integrated into every stage of the process.

At Devoteam, we empower our clients to embrace the Sustainable IT journey, elevating their digital transformation to the next level. Our approach is organised around five key offerings, each designed to address environmental challenges across the Think-Design-Build-Run stages while aligning with our client’s unique business needs:

Our Commitment to Sustainability

At Devoteam, sustainability isn’t just about helping our clients. We’re dedicated to minimising our own environmental impact while fostering positive social and governance practices. Our VEEP sustainability strategy focuses on four key areas: Value, Environment, Ethics, and People. This comprehensive approach ensures we go beyond risk mitigation, actively leading the way towards a sustainable future.

Dive deeper into our resources to learn how Devoteam is taking action for a greener tomorrow.

Our CSR Strategy

At Devoteam, we want to make tech available to human evolution in the best conditions within our ecosystem, driving positive change while limiting potential negative impacts. We have defined our sustainability strategy as VEEP for its four interconnected dimensions: Value, Environment, Ethics, and People.

Value: In line with our vision, “Tech for People,” we want to lead positive impact through tech with our clients through our offers—Sustainable IT and IT for sustainability. We work with non-profit organisations through the Devoteam Foundation, giving Devoteamers a chance to engage in pro bono work for nonprofits. In 2023, we supported 1,300 days of pro bono work and 50+ NGOs with donations. Visit the Devoteam Foundation page to learn more.

Environment: We want to reduce our impact on Earth despite our development, with Carbon being our main focus. The Science Based Targets initiative has validated that the science-based greenhouse gas emissions reduction target(s) submitted by Devoteam conform with the SBTi Corporate Net Zero Standard. SBTi has classified Devoteam’s scope 1 and 2 target ambition as in line with a 1.5°C trajectory. We lead mitigation actions and monitor our Carbon footprint every year. Find more on the Devoteam CSR page.

Ethics: We want to promote trusted and sustainable relationships with our internal and external stakeholders, comply with and promote laws and standards, drive ethics in business, and ensure data protection and cyber-security. We engage our providers in our sustainable journey, for example, with our internal and supplier Codes of conduct or our data protection and security policies. We also have a whistleblowing alert system for internal and external stakeholders, and we train all our employees in Ethics. Read more on our CSR page.

This comprehensive strategy has been rewarded. In August 2023, we received the PLATINUM label from Ecovadis, a platform for evaluating the CSR performance of companies worldwide. This label ranks us among the best 1% of companies in the IT market on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) criteria.

Our Sustainability Reports

Explore our Sustainability Reports and witness our progress across the four pillars of our CSR Strategy: creating Value, safeguarding the Environment, upholding Ethics, and empowering People.

Our Commitments and Awards

Our dedication to sustainability is reflected in our commitments and awards:

Science-Based Targets Initiatives (SBTi)

In 2024, the Science Based Targets initiative validated that Devoteam SAS’s science-based greenhouse gas emissions reduction target(s) conformed with the SBTi Corporate Net Zero Standard. SBTi has classified Devoteam’s scope 1 and 2 target ambition as in line with a 1.5°C trajectory.

  • Overall Net-Zero Target: Devoteam SAS commits to reaching net-zero greenhouse gas emissions across the value chain by 2050.
  • Near-Term Targets: Devoteam SAS commits to reduce absolute scope 1 and 2* GHG emissions by 33.6% by 2028 from a 2022 base year. Devoteam SAS also commits to reducing scope 3* GHG emissions by 44% per million EUR value added within the same timeframe.
  • Long-Term Targets: Devoteam SAS commits to reduce absolute scope 1, 2 and 3 GHG emissions by 90% by 2050 from a 2022 base year.

Ecovadis Sustainability Rating: 78/100 – Top 1% Companies

This remarkable achievement demonstrates a significant improvement of over 8 points compared to the overall average.

UN Global Compact

A proud signatory of the UN Global Compact since 2007, Devoteam Group upholds the 10 fundamental principles established in 1999. These principles, seamlessly integrated into our operations, form the bedrock of our CSR policy, guiding us towards responsible business practices.

CDP Carbon Disclosure Project: C Score

In 2022, Devoteam Group was assessed by the Carbon Disclosure Project and received a score of C, reflecting our current progress in managing and disclosing carbon emissions.

Sustainability Success Stories

Adopting sustainability is only one part of becoming a leading digital company. Discover how these companies used Sustainable IT to meet – and move beyond – their business goals.

All Sustainability Insights


What is Sustainable IT?

In the digital era, information technology (IT) plays a central role in modern businesses, economies, and daily life. However, this rapid technological advancement comes with environmental costs. Sustainable IT refers to the practice of managing and utilising IT systems and devices in a way that minimises their environmental impact. From energy-efficient data centres to the proper disposal of electronic waste, sustainable IT focuses on creating a balance between technological innovation and environmental responsibility. This article explores the significance of sustainable IT and the ways it can shape a greener future.

As technology continues to evolve, the importance of sustainable IT becomes ever more evident. IT systems are notorious for consuming significant energy and generating vast amounts of electronic waste (e-waste). With the rise of cloud computing, mobile devices, and the Internet of Things (IoT), the environmental impact of IT has reached unprecedented levels. Sustainable IT offers solutions to mitigate these impacts, ensuring that technological progress doesn’t come at the expense of the environment. By implementing sustainable practices, organisations can reduce their carbon footprint, contribute to global sustainability goals, and enhance their corporate social responsibility (CSR).

How can companies reduce their carbon footprint?

Energy Efficiency in IT Operations

A key principle of sustainable IT is improving energy efficiency. This can be achieved by optimising hardware and software, reducing idle times, and implementing power-saving techniques.

Reducing E-waste

Reducing e-waste is essential for sustainable IT. To minimise the environmental impact, companies should focus on recycling old equipment and promoting the reuse of functioning devices.

Extending Hardware Lifespan

By extending the lifespan of IT hardware through regular maintenance and updates, companies can decrease the demand for new devices, thus lowering their overall environmental footprint.
For individuals, it could mean the loss of sensitive information like banking details or identity theft.
A successful breach can result in severe financial losses, reputational damage, and even legal consequences for businesses.

What are the benefits of Sustainable IT?

Cost Savings from Energy Efficiency

One of the immediate benefits of sustainable IT is the reduction in operational costs due to improved energy efficiency. By reducing energy usage, businesses can lower their utility bills and operational expenses.

Improved Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Adopting sustainable IT practices enhances a company’s CSR, showing that it takes environmental concerns seriously. This can improve brand reputation, attract eco-conscious customers, and foster better stakeholder relationships.

What are the challenges of adopting sustainable IT?

High Initial Investment

One of the major challenges in adopting sustainable IT practices is the upfront cost. Although there are long-term savings, the initial investment in green technology and energy-efficient systems can be substantial.

Lack of Awareness and Education

Many businesses still lack awareness of the benefits of sustainable IT. Educational efforts are needed to raise awareness and encourage the adoption of these practices across industries.

What is the future outlook for Sustainable IT?

Innovations in Green Technology

The future of sustainable IT is bright, with ongoing innovations in green technology. From AI-powered energy management systems to renewable-powered data centers, the possibilities for reducing IT’s environmental impact are expanding rapidly.

The Role of AI in Sustainable IT

AI is playing an increasingly important role in sustainable IT. By optimising energy usage, predicting equipment failures, and reducing waste, AI-driven systems can make IT operations more sustainable and efficient.

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