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Testimonial – Cloud Knowledge Up Program

Imane Ali Gabir is one of the young graduates who joined the Knowledge Up Program when it was first launched in France in 2017. Today, she tells us about her first impressions of the Cloud Knowledge Up Program.


During my final year at university, I was looking at different job offers to have a good overview of what companies proposed and to make sure I would make the right decision. I wanted a company that could offer me the opportunity to combine work while learning new expertise. I spent plenty of time on professional social networks and different job sites to find the right path for me and I did!


I heard about Devoteam through a classmate – he told me about the company and the different job opportunities available. I started to look into it, and found the Knowledge Up Program.

I won’t lie, I was a bit sceptical about the offer at first. I didn’t understand how it was possible for me to work while obtaining certifications and increasing my salary throughout the program. However, I applied anyway, did the interview and realised that it was exactly what I was looking for.

First impressions

I joined the Knowledge Up Program in November 2017 and I am more than satisfied with what it has given me. This program was my first step into the professional world, and it goes hand in hand with my goal to build on my cloud technology skills. Not only do I get to learn on the field, but I also get to obtain certified training in the very best technology on the market. What’s more to ask for? During my first week, I was part of a RedHat Course to pass the Ansible Certification. Now I’m preparing for my first Cloud certification – Azure.  I think the Knowledge Up Program is perfect for any graduate who wants the support and resources they need to become an expert in their topic in just three years.

For more details on the Knowledge Up Program, all information can be found here