In the dynamic world of technology, staying ahead of the curve is imperative for businesses to thrive. This is especially true when it comes to ServiceNow, a powerful platform that can revolutionise the way organisations manage their workflows and deliver services. At Devoteam N Platform, we take pride in our commitment to excellence and continuous improvement. It is with great pleasure that we announce our remarkable achievement: we have already met our annual certification target of 1250 certifications! We are entering Q4 with a whopping 1322 certifications, ending the year with a bang.
Our team: Skilled ServiceNow consultants
At Devoteam N Platform, we understand that to harness the full potential of ServiceNow, a highly skilled team is paramount. We are proud to boast a team of over 800+ ServiceNow consultants who are skilled inside and out, ready to assist our customers with their platform transformation journey. Our consultants undergo rigorous training and are certified experts in ServiceNow, ensuring that they are equipped with the latest knowledge and best practices.
This achievement is a testament to the dedication and expertise of our team. We understand that in the fast-paced world of technology, knowledge is the key to innovation, and certifications are the currency of expertise. By continuously investing in our team’s development, we ensure that we remain at the forefront of the industry, providing our customers with the highest level of service and expertise.
The sky’s the limit, N Platformers!