Within Devoteam G Cloud, one important value for our employees is to never stop learning. To be a learning company, we provide our employees with time to upskill themselves and gain certifications to prove their knowledge. This led to a very nice way to close the first month of the year, as we got ourselves officially LumApps Certified.
What is LumApps?
LumApps is a social intranet that aims to be the one-stop-shop for today’s workforce.It’s an intranet that organises top-down communication and procedures, real-time communications, documents, and business applications in a profiled way and then notifies the right people wherever they want to be notified so that they are kept up to date.
LumApps Partner Certification Program
LumApps Partner Certification Program is designed to empower our Digital Workplace team on the deployment of LumApps’ solution, by offering them different levels of training and resulting certification.
LumApps Deployment Certification Level 1
The level 1 certification is focused on covering the fundamentals on the use of the product and creation of basic content within LumApps, as well as the mechanics of most features and capabilities on the LumApps platform as a Super Administrator.
It also covers the deployment methodology, with the dedicated strategy and assets, that is needed to help customers build a successful program on LumApps’ digital workplace and achieve measurable results, with long-term adoption and engagement.
3 New Certified LumApps Collaborators
We are proud to count 3 new LumApps certified collaborators in our team! After completing the LumApps Deployment training and passing the exam, they just received their LumApps Partner Certificate level 1. Congratulations!
Are you ready to rethink your intranet as a powerful tool to connect all your employees? LumApps is your solution!