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Boost cloud security with Managed Detection and Response services 

The cloud era, which has brought unparalleled levels of convenience and efficiency to corporate operations, has also introduced new threats that could threaten a company’s very existence. Cybersecurity is no longer an optional element of a business plan but a cornerstone of operational integrity and continuity. In this article I will outline the importance of security event detection, focusing on Devoteam’s Managed Detection and Response (MDR) service. Read on to discover comprehensive cloud threat protection.

Quick outline of Devoteam’s Managed Detection and Response services

What are managed detection and response services?

Cloud Managed Detection and Response is a cybersecurity service that combines advanced technology with human expertise for comprehensive threat detection, investigation, and response. This service aims to protect organisations from a variety of cyber threats through continuous 24/7 monitoring of their IT environment.

Cyber challenges and how do we transform them into competitive advantages

Cyber threats range from ransomware attacks that undermine the most significant US healthcare payment system, like in the United Health Group ransomware case, to a new age of stealth attacks that compromise corporate data. In response to this evolving threat landscape, security event detection has emerged as a critical proactive measure. It refers to the ability to identify and analyze unusual events for potential cyber threats.

A Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) tool is crucial for aggregating, analysing and responding to security logs and events within the organisation’s cloud infrastructure. After implementation, SIEM empowers operatives to identify threats and significantly accelerate incident response swiftly. Devoteam’s cloud security experts provide design and consultation services for SIEM platform implementation. This implementation utilizes Infrastructure as Code (IaC) for deployment and code-based management as the platform matures. Furthermore, this method automates the setup and management of the infrastructure, enhancing consistency, reducing potential errors, and strengthening compliance with security standards. On many occasions, this is the first step in creating a modern cybersecurity strategy.

Beyond SIEM

In response to the constantly evolving online security landscape, SIEM technology is at the forefront. The SIEM platform is enriched with artificial intelligence and machine learning for more excellent threat identification and user & entity behaviour analytics (UEBA) to recognise unusual behaviour that might lead to a cyber attack.

Automated response or Security Orchestration, Automation and Response (SOAR) is another aspect of Microsoft Sentinel. It elevates security operations to the next level. Automated response scripts are becoming a default way of improving efficiency. The Managed Detection and Response experts review and analyze the incident flow, constantly spotting opportunities for automation. As they identify potential automation possibilities, they update the existing library of scripts.

While the Devoteam Managed Detection and Response SIEM platform of choice is Microsoft Sentinel, it also supports major public cloud providers like AWS and Google Cloud. From this perspective, Sentinel is considered cloud agnostic.

SIEM operations

Nevertheless, the Managed Detection and Response service is not only implementing SIEM. A cloud-native team of cybersecurity experts operates the platform 24/7 and manages every incident life cycle:

  • Closes incidents after detecting false positives 
  • Escalates and notifies when detecting actual cybersecurity breach 
  • Triggers SOAR automated remediation and closure scripts as a time-saving alternative for incident response. 

Managed detection and response services for peace of mind

All in all, cybersecurity should not be viewed as a cost centre; it is a strategic business continuity and reputation investment. Cybersecurity is critical for any firm’s comprehensive organisational approach. Businesses must prioritize their cybersecurity stance. This includes deploying robust security measures to safeguard their operations, data, and user identities in the digital world. Therefore, cybersecurity is not only critical, but it is also a strategic business decision. 

With that in mind, setting up a cloud security team, processes, and necessary tools from scratch can seem cumbersome and discouraging. That’s why organisations turn to Managed Service Providers. At its core Devoteam MDR is an outsourced SIEM platform operations service. Its goal is to keep customers at ease with all the incoming noise and distractions. Calmness and serenity are the ultimate goals of the MDR service, letting customers focus on their core activities.

If you’re ready to unlock the true value of your company’s cloud environment, connect with our experts – tech natives for a consultation.

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