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3 Main Challenges of Cloud Compliance

As businesses increasingly adopt cloud services to streamline operations and drive innovation, ensuring compliance with regulatory standards is becoming an increasingly pressing concern. The dynamic nature of cloud environments, coupled with the complex web of regulatory requirements presents significant challenges for organisations striving to maintain their security posture and compliance. From data security to regulatory oversight, organisations encounter numerous obstacles on their compliance journey in the cloud

The challenges that companies face

Data security remains a paramount concern for businesses migrating to the cloud. The shared responsibility model inherent in cloud computing necessitates a clear delineation of responsibilities between cloud service providers and businesses. However, this division of duties can lead to ambiguity and gaps in security controls, leaving businesses vulnerable to data breaches and compliance violations. Safeguarding sensitive information in the cloud demands robust security measures, including data encryption, identity management, and continuous threat monitoring.

Visibility and control over cloud resources present another challenge for businesses striving to maintain compliance. In multicloud or hybrid cloud environments, the dynamic nature of cloud infrastructure makes it challenging to track and manage configurations, access controls, and data flows. The cloud providers themselves are constantly introducing new, more secure and robust services that can better align with the popular compliance standards, making the compliance policy definitions dynamic as well. Without comprehensive visibility into their cloud ecosystems, organisations risk falling out of compliance and increasing risk to business by becoming more vulnerable to external cyber threats.

Maintaining visibility and control over cloud resources is tough for businesses aiming to stay compliant. Couple of examples why:

  • In multicloud or hybrid setups, the constantly changing cloud infrastructure makes it hard to track and manage modifications in service configuration, access controls, or data flows.
  • Cloud providers keep rolling out new, more secure services, shifting compliance policy definitions on the fly.

So without a clear view of their cloud ecosystems, organisations risk compliance lapses and become more vulnerable to external cyber threats.

For some businesses, resource constraints amplify the challenges of compliance in the cloud: 

  • Limited internal cloud compliance expertise may delay or even block the ability to robustly assess security controls and maintain compliance posture effectively. 
  • Lack of identified risk ownership, tracking, and coordination leads to a fragmented approach to risk management, increased vulnerability to threats, and ultimately, major risk for the organisation’s reputation, finances, and operational integrity.
  • Inefficient response to large amounts of violations can lead to delays in addressing security vulnerabilities, and increased exposure to potential threats, jeopardising the security of cloud-based systems and data assets.

Making use of our Managed Cloud Compliance service

Dealing with all these challenges, Managed Cloud Compliance service emerges as a strategic solution for businesses seeking to navigate the complexities of compliance in the cloud. By partnering with Devoteam, which specialises also in cloud compliance, organisations gain access to expertise, tools, and resources tailored to their compliance needs.

Devoteam offers multicloud expertise, helping businesses interpret and implement a complex variety of recommendations to ensure compliance across cloud environments. Continuous monitoring, automated compliance checks, and scalable planning of remediations are all part of what makes Managed Cloud Compliance services so effective for organisations. By providing valuable insights and consultations, these services enable businesses to maintain compliance posture efficiently and cost-effectively.

Additionally, by supplementing internal IT teams with specialised expertise and automation tools, Devoteam empowers businesses to overcome resource constraints and concentrate on their core business objectives.

In situations where accepting potential risks is unavoidable, Managed Cloud Compliance offers a means to clearly designate the risk owner, rationale, and the timeframe for decision-making. Such cases can be automated for tagged as Exempted both at scale or individually. That record is then kept for historic tracking without repeatedly being presented as an issue that brings your compliance score down.

In conclusion, Managed Cloud Compliance service plays a crucial role in helping businesses navigate the challenges of compliance in the cloud. By addressing regulatory complexity, enhancing data security, improving visibility and control, and mitigating resource constraints, Devoteam enables organisations to achieve compliance confidence and leverage the full potential of cloud computing. As businesses embark on their cloud journey, partnering with a trusted Managed Service Provider can pave the way for compliance success and long-term business resilience.If you’re ready to unlock the true value of your company’s cloud environment, connect with our experts – tech natives for a consultation.

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