Human progress must embed our Natural Capital

We mitigate our environmental impact to preserve our planet.

Tech power seems virtual and infinite, but it does have materiality. Today digital represents around 4% of global greenhouse gas emissions, and it’s expected to increase exponentially if we don’t take action. Our duty as a tech company is to unlock the tech potential for green solutions, while limiting its materiality in a virtuous approach.

Our key actions

Measuring our impact

At Devoteam we have lead a carbon assessment at Group level, to set the baseline to take initiative and improve.

Find our Carbon footprint in our sustainability report


Lead mitigation and adaptation actions

Our near-term science-based emissions reduction targets and our net-zero targets are approved by SBTi.

Science Based Targets

Read the Net-Zero Approval letter (PDF)

Promoting action

Through different initiatives Devoteamers can join in environmental and sustainable efforts and include good practices in their daily activities.

Find out more – Some of our activities

Creating awareness in our ecosystem

We aim to become greener with powerful digital tools and promote good practices with our clients and partners.

Find out more – Sustainability enabled by Digital

Institut du Numérique Responsable
Green Software for Practitioners

Upskilling on Sustainable IT

With the objective of mitigating environmental footprint of digital technology, plus the imperative to rethink digital technology so that it carries more inclusive and ethical values for the women and men within our society, Devoteam launched a global certification program on Sustainable IT, based on partners MOOC and platforms.

It is made of two levels, first one based on the MOOC from the “European Institute for Sustainable IT” (ISIT), second one being “Green Software For Practitioners – LFC131” by the Linux Foundation

The objective is to certify at least 80% of Devoteamers by 2025.

Some of our actitivies

CREA Mont-Blanc

Using AI to study the impact of climate change on wildlife

Devoteam Foundation x CREA Mont Blanc

CREA Mont-Blanc studies alpine environments to understand how these are impacted by climate change.

With the support of Devoteam, CREA Mont-Blanc has been able to better leverage collaborative science and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to process thousands of photos to gather data allowing for an informed decission-making process.

© CREA Mont-Blanc

CREA Mont-Blanc

Commitment to biodiversity conservation

Mindful of environmental issues and biodiversity in particular, Devoteam Group is seeking to play its part in addressing these fundamental issues
by installing beehives on the roofs of its head office buildings.

Devoteam Group is hosting 3 hives in the rooftop of its Headquarters, with up to 180,000 bees during the summer who produce on average 30kg of honey each year.

The Devoteam Foundation has also supported Happyculteur, who promotes the protection of bees and biodiversity, by proposing accessible beekeeping.

Reforest Action

Reforestation through our Blossom Engagement

As part of the On Boarding Process all new Devoteamers have the opportunity to counter-balance part of their Carbon Emissions by planting a tree in cooperation with Reforest’Action. Appart from the offset CO2 the initiative has so far:

  • +16,000 habitats for wild animals
  • +5,300 work spaces for local communities
  • +21,400 months of oxigen generated

Devoteam Sustainable Development Month

From mid September to mid October 2023, Devoteam organised a Sustainable Development Month with a range of activities, both global and local. The objective: promote Devoteam’s commitment to the United Nation’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals; giving all Devoteamers a chance to learn more about the Sustainable Development Goals, get involved and find out how we can include them in all our activities.

More than 3000 Devoteamers from 15 countries participated in this international event with 30+ activities to encourage their engagement for a better change. 88% of the participants want to have the same initiative next year.


ØreDev: applying our sustainable Marketing principles to a major event Sweden.

ØREDEV is a yearly 3-day event founded by Devoteam Sweden in 2005 based on the concept of quality and boosting technical knowledge within the community. 2023 hosted 89 speakers and 975 participants who could listen 114 sessions under the theme Halt and Catch Fire and also network and share experiences. To minimise the conference’s environmental impact, only vegetarian and vegan food served on biodegradable paper plates with wooden utensils, and reusable water bottles were distributed to attendees and speakers to replace disposable cups. The venue for ØREDEV is certified within sustainability and placed close to bus and train stations to make it easy for people to commute by public transport.

Every business has different sustainability goals. Discover how these companies rose to the digital sustainability challenge.

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