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Chapter 4

Use case #1: Transforming Grant Management in the Digital Age

When we consider the most important components of nonprofit sustainability, grants are at the top of the list. However, as the world continues to face increasingly difficult economic circumstances, the more competitive the grant landscape is becoming. According to a recent study from the European Fundraising Association (EFA), in 2022, 28% of nonprofits across Europe reported increased grant funding, but 19% faced a decrease. While there are a number of factors that may affect which nonprofits can successfully secure funding, one of the biggest comes down to the grant management systems an organisation has in place. 

From searching for the right grants to filing applications, handling reporting requirements, and evaluation, grant management encompasses the entire lifecycle of a grant. This process demands detailed planning, precise budgeting, expense tracking, vigilant compliance monitoring, and timely donor reporting. These factors, if not managed properly, can have negative effects on resource management and transparency and even limit nonprofits from securing future funding opportunities.

That said, the right software and tools have the potential to tackle the biggest grant management challenges nonprofits are facing. In this section, we’ll explore a cutting-edge grant management solution that can enable nonprofits of all sizes to navigate the complexities of funding, better manage critical resources, and increase operational efficiency.

Sophie Green, EMEA Industry Solutions & Strategy Director, Salesforce Nonprofit

Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud: Bringing Grant Management Operations Together in One Place

The Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud is a comprehensive solution designed to connect all operations and functions within a nonprofit organisation in one place – from secure funding and delivery to relationship building and impact measurement – creating a single source of truth across the operation.

Among the key capabilities of the platform is Nonprofit Cloud for Grantmaking, designed to help NGOs optimise the full grant management lifecycle. The platform offers a range of features such as application management, which allows funders to create and publish funding opportunities and comes with out-of-the-box templates for grant applications, as well as external reviews and post-award processing. Additionally, the Nonprofit Cloud for Grantmaking further provides tools designed to facilitate internal proposal collaboration, making it easier for grant seekers to work together and respond quickly to funding opportunities. Overall, the platform ensures a seamless experience for both funders and grant seekers, helping to reduce administrative strain, foster and strengthen relationships with stakeholders and further their philanthropic mission.

However, our recommendation of the Nonprofit Cloud comes down to not only its powerful capabilities but also its accessibility through both the Power of Us Program, which provides eligible organisations with ten free licences, and The Trailblazer Community, which fosters collaboration and knowledge sharing, and empowers users through networking, hosted events, and educational content. These considerations, along with the robust capabilities of the Nonprofit Cloud, make it a highly dynamic and agile tool for grant management. 

Eric Burté, Salesforce Expert, Devoteam France